Development for the Masses is a fast growing software development company based in Russia, Tomsk. Tomsk (with the population of more than half a million people) is known to be the Athens of Siberia. With its 6 universities and a very young population Tomsk is one of the fastest growing economical centers of Russia. Almost 20% of young population have an academic degree in system engineering, computer engineering, system design and programming. Due to a very high level of design and development skills and very competitive hourly rate a great part of Tomsk development resources is involved into off-shoring enterprising on contract or freelance basis.
Founded: 1604
Population: about 600 000 (2005)
Time zone: GMT +6
Average temperatures: January -18, April +1, July +18, October +1
Economy: Engineering and metal working industry, computer manufacturing, sputniks' parts manufacturing, petrochemical industry, pharma-chemical plant; wood-working industry, constructing; food industry.
Science, education: Scientific centre of Russian Academy of Science. Research institutes: Introscopy, Pharmacology, Cardiology, Medical materials, Genetics, Semiconductors, Atmosphere optics, Chemistry of oil, Physics. Tomsk is the third largest educational centre of Russia after Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. Educational Institutions: the oldest in Siberia Classic University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics, Siberian Medical University, Teacher’s Training University. Economy, Law, and Business schools.
Culture and museums: Tomsk Drama Theatre, the Roman Vinderman puppet show, Philharmonic Orchestra Hall, Bolshoy Concert Hall. Museums: of Local Lore in Astashev's estate, Art museum, Art Gallery. University museums: of archeology, of paleontology, of Siberia ethnography, zoology, mineralogy, Siberian Botanic Gardens.
Tomsk. Photo by Alexsandra Abramova.