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How to choose a web site development company?

We suggest that before signing the contract of custom web site development you should make a brief description of your site. It is also very important to define the terms of work of your site. This will substantially influence the price.

So, you need to define:

1. "Terms of work" of your site: how long will my site operate?

2. How long will your site keep its appearance the same: how long the design will not be changed?

3. Goals and objectives of your site: what should I get with the help of my site?

4. Groups of content users: who should read/view the information on my site?

5. Types of information for every group of users and their possible rights on the site, for example:
- common users should have an opportunity to subscribe to newsletter;
- investors should receive special-purpose documents and information.

6. Module and page types: do I need news on the site? Do I need forum? Do I need photograph album?

7. Site efficiency criteria: what index will show that site achieves its goals and objectives?

8. Keywords for forming the semantic kernel of the site.

When you have answered the above mentioned questions, you can easily start deciding on the "doer" which will make your site live. If you cannot answer these questions or you do not have time to do this, you take the risk of receiving the product which will not meet your hopes and requirements. So, you should decide what to choose: spend your time or rely on developers' keenness of wit.

Next step: you need to choose the "doer".
In the era of information technologies development you can work both with individual freelancers and with companies. Freelancer's services will be for sure cheaper than the services rendered by a company. But freelancers are not so reliable. We advise you to follow these criteria when choosing a company:

1. Reliability — time of operating on the market, minimum 3 years — legal entity

2. Experience — presence of portfolio

3. Quality of solutions - company’s own CMS (content management system) development projects — presence of examples, for instance, when you ask to show an example of a solution for increasing sales volume with the help of web site.

4. Price/quality — terms and phases of work — the amount of "doers"

We recommend:

1. View the projects which operate on the basis of engine (web site content management tool) developed by the company.

2. View examples: try to do something with content (add or change) in a test project presented b the company.

By Development for the Masses, your Internet business solution company.