| Farmwood
Site of the company specialized in building and leasing of trading, utility and warehousing spaces was developed for Concept Web. The site has two language versions and works on the basis of ForteCMS content management system.
http://www.charpente-farmwood.ch/ — current state of the project
 | Tapotushki
Site about disposable slippers called “Tapotushki”, product of the company “IntellCom”. We used ForteCMS solution as the administration system for the site.
http://tapotushki.ru/ — current state of the project
 | El-likon - optics
Site of the company rendering services in eyesight diagnostics, spectacle frame and contact lenses adjusting. Public part of the site is made to suit company's corporate identity. We used ForteCMS solution as the administration system for the site.
http://ellikon.ru — current state of the project
 | Severny blok LLC web-site
Site of Tomsk company trading in house-hold appliances. The site is supported with the help of system of administration which apart from the usual functions also has function of meta-tags control for site optimization.
http://www.northblok.ru — current state of the project
 | Mustcars
The project was implemented on demand of our Swiss partner. Two - language site has second-hand car rentals catalog, info pages and interactive forms. Access to full catalog of about 10,000 cars is restricted for not-registered users. User registration is available in admin area of the site based on Forte Advanced.
Mustcars.ch, current project state
 | Nectavins
Online store for Switzerland wines reselling company. It was a custom project developed from scratch basing on html templates provided by our Swiss partner. This database-driven site presents catalog of more than 1800 items with advanced catalog and site-wide search. Functions of friendly shopping card and user registration, login and user account details edit provide for smooth shopping experience.
http://nectavins.ch, current site state
 | Transauto, Trade and Manufacturing Company
Our customer, a supplier for large industrial enterprises, requested online presentation of the company and their product catalog. This web-site with clean design, transparent navigation and fast load satisfied company need in effective web-presentation.