| Nectavins
Online store for Switzerland wines reselling company. It was a custom project developed from scratch basing on html templates provided by our Swiss partner. This database-driven site presents catalog of more than 1800 items with advanced catalog and site-wide search. Functions of friendly shopping card and user registration, login and user account details edit provide for smooth shopping experience.
http://nectavins.ch, current site state
 | DVD rental
The site was developed for our Swiss partner. Project scope included development of the site for WhitenightVideo company (Switzerland) and integration of Forte Content Management System. Subsequent project phase included development of application performing dynamic presentation of WhitenightVideo street DVD machines catalogs on the site. The task also included implementation of a DVD machine user card order and initiation of DVD booking on a corresponding DVD machine from the site.
 | Environments and Health
The project was developed on demand of our Netherlands partners for Environments & Health company. Project goal was to create an information site with a specialized section for publishing a great amount of specially formatted research information.
 | Atema
Another project for our Netherlands partners included creating of a Forte Advanced CMS-driven site for Atema Advies company, specializing in Mortgages and Insurances. A typical project where we integrated basic CMS modules with the templates provided by our partners.
 | FileStore The site was developed for our partnering company, FORMEDIA. The site is for users to exchange files of ultra-big size through a web-browser and is an alternative for traditional FTP with a wide range of functions.
Web-site was developed for FORMEDIA, our Netherlands partner. After signing partnership agreement early 2004 and successful implementation of several projects we were assigned to FORMEDIA company new web-site development.
 | Spoetniq
Community site for Schoolpagina portal, aimed to unite portal users in friend groups created by any user. The site is developed for FORMEDIA, Netherlands, basing on functional design provided by the customer, FORMEDIA company, Netherlands.
 | Otsenka-Consulting
The customer operates in the area of investment projects cost-effectiveness analysis. They owned a static HTML site and project goal was to give the customer a possibility to easily manage site content through a friendly web-interface. We reworked site skin and integrated modules of text pages editing, news section maintenance and menu nesting management. We added an option to have and manage multiple language versions on the site.
 | Transauto, Trade and Manufacturing Company
Our customer, a supplier for large industrial enterprises, requested online presentation of the company and their product catalog. This web-site with clean design, transparent navigation and fast load satisfied company need in effective web-presentation.
 | Accord, Innovation Technologies Incubator
The customer operates in the area of innovation projects implementation. Project goal was to create a site that the customer could easily manage through web-interface. We created site design and integrated some of our Content Management System modules: text pages editing, news section maintenance and menu nesting management. We added an option to have and manage multiple language versions on the site.